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List of Scientists and their inventions

  1. Thermometer: The thermometer was first invented by Galileo galilei in 1593.His thermometer contains water when temperature varies the water in the bulb moves up and down.
  2. X-RAY: Wilhelm Konrad von Roentgen discovered x-rays in 1895.He was a German physicist described a new form of radiation that photographs materials that hidden behind the opaque shields.
  3. Radio: It was discovered by inventor G. Marconi.
  4. Steam Engine: The steam engine was invented by Heron, an ancient Greek geometer and engineer from Alexandria. He was lived during the first century AD.


  5. Light Bulb: The first incandescent electric light was made in 1800 by Humphry Davy, an English scientist.
  6. Compound Microscope: Zacharias Janssen was a Dutch lens-maker who invented the first compound microscope in 1595.
  7. Phonograph: Thomas Alva Edison an American inventor who discovered the phonograph.
  8. Structure of DNA: James Watson discovered the basic structure of DNA.
  9. Refrigerator: James Harrison and Alexander Catlin find out the Refrigerator.
  10. Camera: Camera was discovered by American entrepreneur George Eastman.
  11. Telescope: Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei invented telescope in 1610.
  12. Electricity: Michael Faraday was an English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.
  13. Stethoscope: William Stokes and Rene Laennec discovered the useful instrument stethoscope in France in 1816.
  14. Radar: A.H. Taylor and L.C.Young fined radar.
  15. Kaleidoscope: David Brewster had given the light polarization Kaleidoscope in 1814.
  16. Solar System: Copernicus in 1540 revealed the solar system theories.
  17. Zerox Machine: An American physicist, inventor, and patent attorney born in Seattle, Washington Chester Floyd Carlson who invented the Xerox machine in February 8, 1906 – September 19, 1968.
  18. Origin of Species: Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist evolved the origin of species theory.
  19. Computer: English Scientist, mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer Charles Babbage originated the concept of a digital programmable computer.
  20. Raman Effect: Sir Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman was an Indian physicist born in tamilnadu, India. He moved out ground-breaking work in the domain of light scattering, which earned him the 1930 Nobel Prize for Physics.
